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Electric Dog Training Collar – Rechargeable Anti-Bark & Shock Vibration Collar with Clicker 🐾✨

SKU T87XMZ0W1F4R Category
(24 customer reviews)


Train your dog safely and effectively with this Electric Dog Training Collar! Featuring adjustable shock, vibration, and beep modes, this detachable and rechargeable collar helps manage barking, obedience training, and behavior correction for dogs of all sizes.


βœ” 3 Training Modes – Choose between Beep, Vibration, and Safe Shock to customize training based on your dog’s needs.
βœ” Detachable & Adjustable Design – Suitable for small, medium, and large dogs, ensuring a comfortable fit.
βœ” Rechargeable & Long Battery Life – Built-in USB rechargeable battery for convenient and long-lasting use.
βœ” Anti-Bark Technology – Helps reduce excessive barking with adjustable sensitivity levels.
βœ” Water-Resistant & Durable – Designed to withstand rain, splashes, and outdoor conditions.
βœ” Remote Control (Optional) – Available with manual remote operation for off-leash training and better control.
βœ” Includes Training Clicker – Reinforce positive behavior with the included clicker for non-shock training options.
βœ” Safe & Humane Training – Designed with adjustable intensity levels, ensuring effective and pet-friendly correction.

🎁 Perfect for training, behavior correction, and reducing unwanted barkingβ€”helping your pet become a well-behaved companion! 🐢✨

Additional information

Weight 0.384 kg
Dimensions 16 × 14 × 5 cm
Hign-concerned Chemical


Is Smart Device


Model Number




Item Type

Training Collars

Brand Name



Mainland China



24 reviews for Electric Dog Training Collar – Rechargeable Anti-Bark & Shock Vibration Collar with Clicker 🐾✨

  1. BeemerPilot

    I live in NW Montana and bought this training collar mostly to stop my young dog, Beemer, from barking at and/or chasing deer that lived here before I built my house and live here with me now on my 20 acre property. I also put out water in a tub for the deer, birds and ground squirrels because there isn’t a water source of any kind close by. I often let Beemer out for long periods of time so he can get plenty of exercise running and exploring. Unfortunately, he was scaring the deer, playing in their water tub and getting muddy while splashing the water out and leaving what was left muddy. This collar is well designed and constructed, easy to use, has great range and the 3 functions (beep, vibrate or shock) can be easily tailored to the appropriate level for the pet and purpose. I have found it to be very effective in breaking some of Beemer’s bad habits that would have otherwise been almost impossible to do or would have taken much longer. Now I can watch him from a window as he explores the area and plays with sticks he finds on the ground. It didn’t take long for me to catch him in the act and then use one of the functions to stop him in his tracks and come back to the house. Beemer has stopped barking at and/or chasing the local deer. He also won’t go near the water tub. I have seen him lying on the pavement and watching the deer graze not very far away. Some of the deer still won’t come around while he’s out, but several of them have decided that he is not a threat and will graze with him visibly present. If he stands up, they will probably be alarmed, but if I’m watching, I can give him a quick beep or vibration and he will immediately turn around and walk back to the house. I believe at least some of the deer and Beemer will eventually be able to be in the same area without any alarm and they and the other animals now have a reliable source of water…at least until the ice and snow cause it to freeze.
    Another benefit of the collar demonstrated itself this morning as I was at my kitchen window. Beemer was playing with a stick on the concrete apron in front of the garage when he suddenly broke into a full-speed run with the hair on his back standing straight up. I immediately pulled the remote out of my shirt pocket as I looked ahead of Beemer to see what he was chasing and saw that he was quickly gaining ground on a resident fox that I have seen many times. I immediately started pressing the vibration and shock buttons as he disappeared into the woods out of sight. Beemer is pretty strong-willed and I was concerned that I might not be able to stop him, but a couple of seconds later he emerged from the woods and was trotting back toward the house with the fox, now the pursuer, following him. But the fox was apparently confused when Beemer suddenly turned and started running back toward home and initially decided to chase him. But then, as if giving the situation more thought, it wisely peeled off and scampered back into the woods toward safety. Beemer (a mixed Golden/Lab) is faster, larger and stronger than the fox. I have no doubt that Beemer would have caught up with the fox since, in just seconds, he was only inches from the fox’s tail when I pulled the remote from my pocket. The fox would have just as surely fought back since he would literally be fighting for his life.
    If Beemer had not been wearing the collar and I had not been standing at the window, I believe the likely result would have been a dead fox and a seriously lacerated dog that would have spent some painful time with a vet this morning. I had previously realized that the collar could possibly be used as a safety device to remove a threat in an emergency. Beemer has always turned and ran toward home immediately after being alerted, regardless of which function I used and there may be times when that propensity would be important.

  2. L. Sargent


  3. Shea

    This collar has saved my sanity. I have a 6 month old mixed breed pup (mom is a goldendoodle, dad is half husky, half blue heeler) named Opal. When I tell you this dog is the poster child for dog ADHD… She is incredibly smart, incredibly active, and learns very quickly. She follows commands almost instantly in a low distraction, contained environment like inside or in a smaller fenced in area, but she is unreliable in high distraction environments. Or at least she was before The Collar. We live in a subdivision out in the country surrounded by pasture. Opal loves to go out and run, and she needs the exercise, but we had not yet been able to let her off leash to run in our large, unfenced yard. On our previous attempts (both intentional AND unintentional when she slipped her collar), she ignored all recall commands and took grand tours of the entire neighborhood which resulted in us having to run all over creation to get her back and out of the neighbors flowerbeds! Additionally, she is a chronic leash puller. We have tried different collars, different leashes, harnesses, you name it. She just wonΒ’t stop pulling, and actually pulled my 8 year old down on the concrete once when she took off to chase a squirrel. I was at my wits end with this dog, and was not at all enjoying taking her for walks or looking forward to her getting even bigger and stronger. Not anymore. This collar worked almost instantly. I tested each function on myself before I ever put it on my dog. I donΒ’t ever want to inflict pain on her, and wanted to be sure that I felt comfortable using it on her. The beeping and the vibration serve only as audible/tangible reminders and are not uncomfortable at all. The static was uncomfortable, but not painful at the correct level. I put the static on the highest level I was comfortable using on myself, and then down one level before I put it on the dog. I took her outside and let her off leash. She ran off and ignored the beeps at first, and only paused for a second with the vibration. It took only one time of using the static to bring her back. Each time she ran off and the static was used, she returned immediately within seconds. We began working with her daily on leash using the vibrate function anytime she would pull against the leash or try to take off after a squirrel or to go see the neighbors when they were outside, and she learned that those are Β“noΒ” boundaries. Gone are the days of leash pulling and taking off after distractions. She was consistently heeling on command on leash and was watching distractions but not bolting for them. On-leash walks were enjoyable again. Today I put the e-collar and her training to the test and took her out off leash. All it took if she tried to cross the boundary of our yard was to vibrate her collar, and she instantly returned to me. Neighbors came out, squirrels ran by, but Opal stayed with me. She ran and played in the yard, went potty, and came back when I called her or buzzed her collar. It was glorious, and my kids and I can now enjoy spending time outside in our beautiful neighborhood with our precious pup, knowing that she is safe in our yard. ??

  4. Jerry Blocker

    Best $40 spent on a dog!

  5. Aubry

    We had a dog who despite her intelligence would have trouble with certain actions that simply couldn’t be allowed. Reluctantly at first we ordered this product, I tested it on myself and decided that it wasn’t as bad as I feared and suited her up. I took Pavlovian approach, and any time I needed to administer a shock I also had the collar make a noise. Within a week I only needed the noise for most naughty actions. Within a month, at least while at home I didn’t even need the collar on her, just charged and on standby. Now, the downsides to this device- The remote is somewhat cumbersome, it doesn’t fit well in small pockets and gets snagged on things while hanging from your wrist. The battery doesn’t last a tremendous amount of time, I would take to charging it in the evening as I needed it on overnight. The remote had occasional failed transmissions, these weren’t common but did happen. Overall this item got the job done, didn’t feel cruel like many people believe, it was easy to set up and utilize.

  6. Marissa K.

    Don’t be afraid of the shock. It works.

  7. Nakia

    Great value and easy setup and use

  8. Betty B.

    “Incredibly Effective Dog Collar”

  9. Ashley D. Reagan

    We had a stray show up on our farm last year and she decided to make the farm her home. She was super sweet, but terrible at listening when we called after her. She would run out into the street or into the surrounding neighborhoods and we were nervous she would get hit by a car.
    Finally, we purchased this collar and it has completely changed her! I noticed her going towards the road again not long after the collar arrived and I hit the beep button on the lowest setting. It stopped her in her tracts and she looked back at the house. I ran out to the front porch and noticed she was staring again to head out to the road, so I called to her and beeped her again. She came running to me and was promptly rewarded with ear scratches and treats for being such a good girl.
    Now, after several months of using the collar and only ever on the beep setting, she comes to us when we call her and we rarely have to beep her.
    I was skeptical at first and nervous that the collar might make her skittish, but it was well worth the $40 and I would recommend it to anyone!

  10. B. Garber

    Works well.

  11. Shirley

    Very effective

  12. Randee

    Great training collar

  13. Rebecca Karban

    We adopted a dog from the shelter and we struggled with leash training for a few months before we finally decided to try an e-collar. She gets overly excited when she sees other dogs and would start pulling, barking, and whining anytime we would get too close to another dog. She is about 50 lbs and very strong, so it was difficult to redirect her and she never cared about pulling against her collar and would just ignore my corrections. I also tried a gentle leader with her, which helped with the pulling but she would still bark like crazy. This e-collar has been a lifesaver and she is a completely different dog now.
    We started with just the beeping to get her attention, then moved to the vibrate whenever she ignored the beeping. Once we felt more comfortable with the collar and took her on the first walk with it on, we used the shock setting when we saw the first dog and she started to bark and pull. She ignored level 5/99 and did not respond until level 10, but once we did level 10 she immediately stopped barking and sat beside me and just watched the dog as it passed on the other side of the street.
    We have been using the collar consistently for about a month and she has made incredible progress. We are now practicing with her being off-leash so that she can have more freedom to enjoy her time outside. We only use the shock (still at level 15 max) if she is unresponsive to the beep/vibrate and we need to recall her quickly. She has been doing a great job of staying relatively close to us while outside and her behavior when we see another dog has transformed. She will still whine a bit and watch the other dogs because she wants to play, but she stays near us and is no longer barking and pulling.
    For the vibrate setting, we usually use this at its maximum level (16), as it seems like it is not that strong and our dog will ignore it completely if we lower the level past 12. The beeping setting has a pretty good range, but we normally use it around levels 5-8 because she responds more to the higher-pitched sound than the louder/lower sound it has at level 1.
    For the shock setting, it seems crazy to myself and my boyfriend that this collar can go all the way up to level 99. My boyfriend tried up to level 15 on himself (which is the max we will use on our dog), and that has been plenty for us. Our dog is a shepherd mix and about 50 lbs at 11 months old. We make sure that the collar is snug against her neck and will only use the shock when absolutely necessary. She jumps just a little when we use it, but does not yelp or cry at all.
    The battery life on this has been great. I have charged it twice so far overnight, but both times the battery still had 2/4 bars left and I could have used it for longer before charging. We have been using it every day when we go for walks and when we go to the park/fields to play. I turn off the remote and collar when we’re not using them and this might be helping the battery last even longer. The range on the remote is great so far, but I also try to stay proactive to keep her in my line of sight and not let her get too far away before recalling her.
    On the remote, it is kind of easy to accidentally switch the remote off or to the second channel if you’re not paying attention and holding the remote wrong. Other than my user-error, I like the controls on the remote and how easy it is to use. I like that this remote gives you the ability to switch quickly between the 3 settings – I have been able to use the buttons quickly when training off leash and my dog looks like she’s about to take off and I need her to come back to me.
    Update: A few months after getting the collar, the receiver seemed to stop working out of nowhere. The receiver and remote were both fully charged, but the collar was not making any noises/vibrations/shocks. I reached out to the company and the customer service was excellent. They sent me a new receiver in the mail, free of charge by the end of that same week.
    Update: We have had the collar for almost a year now and have used it consistently to train our dog. We almost exclusively use the vibration setting and only need to use it for recall when she is far away – much easier than yelling as loud as I can. The collar has held up well to daily use and our dog’s love of puddles and shallow water. She’s not much of a swimmer so we have not had it tested in deep water/prolonged swimming. This collar really has been a great training tool and helped our rescue make unbelievable progress, and now she gets to enjoy most of her time outside off-leash and free to roam and play.

  14. Not Now

    I purchased this for my Chihuahua mixed giving me the blues after taking him in because my sister moved and had to give him away. Many people encourage me to sell him since he’s a crazy, little bad dog that would poop in your room or pee on your tire for revenge if you are mean to him and then look at you with Michael Myer eyes. But I had him since he was seven weeks ago, gave him to my niece and nephews years ago as a Christmas gift, and refuse to give up on the little man because I know how it feels to not be wanted.
    Like most Chihuahuas, he suffers from Napoleon syndrome and has a lot of big dog energy. He’s fiesty for a little guy and doesn’t let his small size hold him back. I treat him like having a pitbull because when he goes into attack mode and starts barking and is ready to bite. His teeth are sharp and can draw blood. I had to knock him with the broom quite a few times. We go into an alpha match until he backs down To lock him in his cage for being bad or crate training is nonstop barking.
    Yet, I gave this shock collar a try and at first was like this doesn’t work. Then he did the barking in the cage, I zapped him and he kept barking then eventually gave up and went silence. That little sucker is tough and takes that shock mode even at 50 without making a sound. My mom told me to stop using shock because it could kill him even though he refuses to respond regardless of the intensity. So I stopped using shock and for some reason, the beep is the effective mode for him. I want him to go to his cage, I press the beep sound and he walks to his cage without protest. He starts barking in his cage for being locked up because he’s punished. I hit the beep sounds and he quiets down. I let him out to go use the bathroom in the morning and he wanders off. I hit the beep and he comes around the corner back to me.
    I thought the shock was broken until I tried it on my well behaved dog one time stupidly because my only issue with him is that he loves to wander and goes far out to relieve himself. He welped when I shocked him and that’s when I realized it worked and my Chihuahua took pain like a little gangster aka Lil Pitbull. My well behaved dog now all of sudden now knows how to relieve himself close to home without wandering and when I used the beep on my Chihuahua, the well behaved dog hears it too and comes back to me or just straight walks home to the front door waiting for me to open the door. The only negative side effective was I think my well behaved dog was afraid to tell him he needed to go to the bathroom so he urinate and defecated on the puppy pad. When I realized it wasn’t the Chihuahua, I scolded my well behaved dog that he goes outside not in the house. He listened and that was the last time he did so. So I wouldn’t recommend using the shock mode since it was ineffective with the Chihuahua and nearly reset my well behaved dog back to the frightened dog he was when I took him in many years ago because no one else wanted him.
    So it’s been a cool experience. My Chihuahua lets me put the shock collar on him without a problem and sometimes if it is not on, I can still give him a command like go to cage, he goes.
    I still have issues with him like he may poop on the puppy pad but urinate elsewhere. Running off and chasing after people. My main goals are to get him to poop and pee on the puppy pad and have accepted he can’t hold his bladder and bowels as long as my well behaved dog can , no more chasing after people or biting, and for him to be around people at events without chasing, biting, or barking at people. He’s a work in process but the attack modes are rare now. He’s quiet and doesn’t bark as much. I can put him in the cage without him immediately barking. He did run over to a gentleman barking at him then stopped and sniffed him. When I called him back, he comes running extremely fast with a big smile on his face. So the beep mode on the shock collar definitely is helping him become a better behaved dog. It also conditions my well behaved dog to obey even though he only wore it once and I only purchased one for my Chihuahua.

  15. Scott McNair

    Excellent product and has changed the bad behaviors of my Frenchie (stubborn little fella). Escalating through sound, and vibrate have kept the need for nicking to a minimum. The only issue is that at the highest volume, the speaker does not produce any sound. I’ve had to back off two levels to produce sound. All in all, I would purchase again. We now have two in the family and aside from the audible issue, they work flawlessly with excellent battery life.

  16. D. Boyd


  17. Craig Lovell

    WE USE EVERYDAY since purch Jan 2024 / Nvr use SHOCK feature (on purpose ??) The VIBRATE & BEEP R HIGHLY EFFECTIVE / Collar IS WATERPROOF we LAKE ALOT / Collar is RECHARGEABLE & HOLDS CHARGE FOR 2 WEEKS or more dep on use / Has LONG RANGE we use 2 call her back out of fields, treees & lakes when she gets out of site / BIGGEST CRITICISM: If the remote control is on, u can accidentally hit the shock button too easily. WeΒ’ve done it! ?? (u can just take the prongs out disabling it but I donΒ’t wanna) (pic below is the condition after 365 days of useΒ…very lightweight but holds up SO GOOD) This collar has turned our dog in2 a HIGHLY DISCPLND dog & although we never go out without it, we rarely have 2 use it. Just WOW ??

  18. KJB

    We have 6 large breed Dogs. No judgment, we did not go seeking 6 Dogs, but somehow in some odd twists in life we have ended up with 3 Abandon dogs. We live in a very rural area and because we are unsure of our dogs background, aside from abuse and neglect, training them was difficult. We have been through about 6 different brands of E-Collars. Some were chintzy and malfunctioned or broke right away. The next set were pretty good, and only needed charged once a week, for about 2 months and then we noticed, like clock work, they needed charged every 2 days and then a week later daily, and then a day or two later twice a day. BUT THESE, these are GREAT!! We have them in Pink, Blue, Lavender, and Black. We ordered the first three in August and have charged them once . The kids wear them daily. We have removed the prongs because the beep is enough to change the behavior, if we ever have to use the vibrate, the collar still vibrates without the prong. I really like the long range, because like I said , we are rural with a swamp /wet land on one side, and a big field and woods behind us. Deer, Rabbit, Racoon, stray cats and foxes and coyote are in and out of our property and it doesnt take much for them to spot a reason to run. The distance range is far longer than most, with the beep being very loud, which I can hear from far away. They stay clean, they dont hold soil like other collars and the pink is still nice and pink as are the blue and lavender . They like to run and roll and well get dirty. They have withstood mud, rain, snow and heat. Flo even jumped in the pool wearing hers and I thought for sure that would be the end of it. I removed it right away, turned it off and dried it well and it did not seem to harm it. The remote is not as slim as other brands but it fits the palm of the hand nicely. The only dislike I have is when I shut the collar off at night, the beep is quite loud. When I turn the collar on in the morning it slightly vibrates. I wish that was reversed because last potty run is at 10pm and other members of the household are already in bed, it would be nice if it were reversed: Loud beep in the morning so I know the collar is definitely on, and quiet vibration at night to turn the collar off. Like I said, we use these daily for 6 large breed dogs so we can keep them safe within our property boundaries and continue to work on our behavior goals. After 5 months we are still very impressed!!

  19. Carl M.

    We have a French Bulldog that has a mind of his own. We live in a rural setting surrounded by large trees and bushes. Our dog has developed a love of following deer sent and various other distractions. When he is in that frame of mind he totally tunes you out and his objective is all that matters. He would disappear and then the search was on to try and locate him and get him back into the house. I purchased the training collar as a last resort in an effort to get him to listen and respond to my commands.
    When the device arrived the instructions were very simple to understand and follow. I adjusted all of the settings to be about mid range. I put the collar on him and we went outside for a potty. It did not take long for him to follow his normal routine and began to trot of away from the house. I whistled and called his name and no response as was normal. I whistled again and pressed the first alarm button on the hand held device. There was no visible response. I whistled again and pressed the second alarm for the vibration on the hand held device. Again there was no visible response. I whistled a third time and then pressed the third button on the hand held device for shock.
    This time his response was immediate. He jumped straight in the air as if he had shot, but still did not respond to my calling him. I whistled again and pressed the shock button again and immediately got the same jump in the air reaction. This time when I whistled he turned and looked at me and ran back to me immediately.
    Later that evening I took him out again for his evening potty break. He began to wonder off as was expected. I whistled and no response. I pressed the first button on the hand held device. I noticed a reaction from him, but he kept going. I whistled again and pressed the second button on the hand held device for vibration. This time he immediately stopped and ran back to the house.
    Even though we are early in the training process, I can see that this training collar is going to be effective and very beneficial.
    One note, this is not a device to hurt or punish the dog, but when used correctly, it is a very useful and effective way to train a non response dog.
    After owning this for a month, I want to add to this review.
    I really should have ordered this sooner. Since the initial time of using the actual shock feature, I have never had to shock again. I have been able to work with our French Bulldog ( who is very opinionated by the way) and now when I give him a little whistle, he comes running back to me.
    I started by whistling then pressing the first button on the hand held unit. He began to associate the whistle with something more aggressive was coming next. He began to just come back after the initial whistle.
    I still put the collar on every time he goes outside whether I am with him or not. Sometimes in the morning when it is dark, he goes outside alone to perform his morning constitutional.
    So far, if he does not return in an expected amount of time, I open the door and whistle and he runs to the door
    This purchase is probably one of the best things I have ever done to eliminate the frustration of a hard headed, over excited, extremely enthusiastic and very fun loving dog.
    Again I want to emphasize, this is not a tool to cause harm in any way to your dog, it is strictly for training purposes only.
    If used correctly, both you and your dog will be much happier.

  20. Timothy M.

    It Works

  21. KS

    The fit and range are good for our dog. We like the different settings of sound, vibrate, or shock, and adjustable levels for each. The unit stays charged well as we use it often. Our dog, who is very stubborn, responds well to the vibrate setting.

  22. RAH

    This Bousinic Dog Shock Collar has worked wonders for my Goldendoodle! It was so effective that my friend even bought one for his Mini-Pin. The collar is amazingΒ—my dog now responds to the beeps automatically, and most of the time, he reacts just to me glancing at it. When he gets into his Goldendoodle hyper-focused mode, a beep or two is all it takes to snap him out of it.
    I’ve only had to use the shock function once or twice and the vibrate mode a few more times than that. Now, the beep is more than enough, and even that is rarely needed. I take the collar with us on walks just in case, but my dog is off-leash all the time now and listens to commands without hesitation. IΒ’m even considering learning how to use it to guide him left and right while he’s out exploring.
    This collar is incredibly effective, and the company stands by their product 100%. They even sent this collar to me for free after a stop-barking collar didn’t meet my expectations. I couldnΒ’t be happier with both the product and the company. Highly recommend! ??

  23. V. Maldonado

    Very effective and easy to use.

  24. Robert

    If you have a rambunctious pup – Buy. It. – long review

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